Two women discussing a project, highlighting the necessity of backup internet to maintain productivity and seamless communication.

What is Backup Internet for Businesses? | Glo Fiber Business

Backup Internet for Businesses: The Pros of Internet Connection and WiFi Backup Options

The internet is no longer an optional luxury: it’s an essential tool for businesses large and small alike. Your employees and your customers need the internet to purchase products, carry out important workplace tasks, and so much more.

So it only makes sense to ensure that your business is always connected to the internet, even in the event of unexpected service interruptions. Today, let’s explore the value of backup internet for businesses and the different types of backup internet connections you can have.

What is backup internet service for businesses?

A backup internet service is exactly what it sounds like: a secondary connection you can count on if your primary internet connection falters for whatever reason.

Say that your business heavily relies on WiFi access for your patrons or customers. In the middle of a storm, your main internet connection goes out because a telephone line crashed nearby. If you have a backup WiFi connection ready to go – for example, through a fiber optic connection – you can engage that to restore internet connectivity for all of your customers, keeping them happy and satisfied.

Backup internet connections aren’t less effective or reliable than primary connections in any way. They can be just as fast, versatile, and resilient as primary connections, if not more so!

Internet backup options

There are many different types of internet backup services and connections to pick from, although some are better than others. Here’s a breakdown:

  • DSL internet connections, which operate off the phone line infrastructure
  • Coaxial internet connections, which route data through coaxial cables
  • Satellite internet connections, which enable internet connectivity via low Earth orbit satellites
  • Fiber optic internet connections, which utilize underground or aboveground cables made of glass fibers to send data via light pulses
  • 4G LTE internet connections, which work via local cell network infrastructure

Out of these options, fiber optic internet is the fastest and most reliable, making it a prime choice for backup internet service. Many of the events that can cause primary internet disruptions, like extreme weather, don’t affect fiber cables nearly as much, if at all. In addition, fiber optic internet can provide multi-gig speeds to businesses like yours, offering enough bandwidth to handle traffic for dozens of devices simultaneously and then some.

The advantages of a backup internet connection for business

Most businesses should consider setting up a backup internet connection at the earliest opportunity. The benefits you’ll see from having backup internet ready to go when you need it can’t be understated.

Resilience against disruptions

Firstly, backup internet provides your business with enhanced resilience against disruptions of all kinds. If your primary internet service provider suddenly stops providing your business with internet for whatever reason, your secondary connection can handle the traffic for you.

As noted earlier, a backup internet connection for your business also insulates it from disruptions resulting from extreme weather events or other hazards. When your business’s network can stay online no matter what, it’ll earn a reputation for dependability from its customers.

Reduced costs from service interruptions

That reputation boost can result in reduced costs from potential service interruptions. For many businesses, internet outages are directly correlated with big financial losses. When customers can't access your website or when employees can't complete POS transactions at brick-and-mortar stores, your business may grind to a halt. Backup internet means your business can continue humming along no matter what.

Maintained productivity

Backup internet for your business gives you the ability to maintain high levels of productivity, even if your primary internet connection goes down. For example, if you have several remote workers collaborating on a project with headquarters, backup internet will ensure your HQ can stay online to guide the collaborative work, even if your business’s primary internet goes down. Thanks to a backup internet connection, your business can keep growing day in and day out.

Increased customer satisfaction

Customers will feel higher trust for your brand if they know your internet won’t go down. A backup internet connection gives you the chance to prove to customers that they can come to you when they need internet connectivity over their coffee break or visit your site when they need to make a purchase without worrying about website crashes or abandoned purchases.

Peace of mind

Above all else, backup internet provides business owners like yourself with peace of mind. A big internet outage sounds like a nightmare, especially for small business owners who rely on consistent connectivity to facilitate transactions, process orders, and more.

With backup internet connected to your business, you’ll always be able to get things up and running in a matter of minutes. That peace of mind is practically priceless.

Choosing the right backup internet for your business

Like other tools and key services, your business’s backup internet should suit its needs. Different types of businesses require different things from their internet connectivity – for example, a hospital needs a highly secure internal network with consistent connectivity to emergency services, while a small café might focus more on local WiFi service for its customers and POS system.

To make sure your backup internet is right for your business, consider any potential service’s:

  • Features and inclusions, such as WiFi setup or integrated security services. Some providers offer managed internet services, which can optimize your data, offer additional security monitoring, and a host of other significant benefits for your business’s operations
  • Speed – if lightning-fast internet with symmetrical uploads and downloads is critical for your brand, only some backup internet options will work
  • Redundancy and similarity to your current internet – if both your primary and backup internet types use the same infrastructure, like cable or telephone lines, a single incident could put them both out of commission

Overall, take the time to carefully think about what you need from a backup internet provider and whether that secondary connection will truly be redundant. With this step, your backup internet will be as effective and valuable as possible for your brand.

How to get backup internet service for business

Every business should have at least one backup internet connection or failsafe ready to go at a moment’s notice. With Glo Fiber Business, you can get primary or secondary fiber internet connected directly to your business premises, empowering your employees and customers to benefit from the stability and speed fiber brings to the table. Contact us today to learn more about our business internet plans.