F&M Bank Expands Connectivity Consistency and Security with Glo Fiber Business

As businesses grow, maintaining security and bandwidth availability across expanding footprints is a major consideration. For banking institutions, this focus on a combination of data security and mobility is even more important to support various branch locations, and delivering the very best availability for optimized customer experiences makes all the difference. So, when F&M Bank, a 115-year old institution founded and headquartered in Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley, needed to invest in its network foundations to empower 13 branches spanning from Winchester to Waynesboro, it found a partner that could support its goal of serving a broad spectrum of businesses and customers with excellence.

Among its network needs, F&M bank required improved service availability, bandwidth consistency and flexibility for its branches. Offering pure fiber, high-speed networking with ample bandwidth, Glo Fiber Business enabled F&M Bank to continue running all of its vital programs simultaneously on behalf of customers and administrators. The result is a seamless pathway for exponential growth rooted in strong connectivity across its regional footprint.

Notably, F&M, a community bank, sought out a community-oriented network partner for this job. With its mindset of building and reinforcing community at the heart of its business model, F&M Bank found an ideal collaborator in Glo Fiber Business. As Charles Driest, EVP of F&M Bank, notes, “When we look to find services for our business, whether it’s internet or paper or letterheads… one of the first things we do is look for local companies that we can partner with.” Glo Fiber Business’s dedication to local expertise, combined with its extensive regional footprint of state-of-the-art fiber, offered powerful alignment with this Virginia-based project.

Today, a range of financial organizations like F&M Bank entrust their operations to stable, consistent, high-performance optical fiber connectivity that delivers added security, reliability and agility to support the future of banking and finance. To learn more, be sure to watch this video case study — and check out our other wins (like this one).

Want to bring these advantages to your neighborhood or business? Glo Fiber Business can help — reach out to us to get a personalized quote today.