Data Center Connectivity: Are You Building the Right Bridges?
Data centers have long stood as key elements of the new IT framework — and in the Midwest, they’re becoming more important (and plentiful) than ever. In fact, some have even hailed this region as a possible new Silicon Valley. Ohio has even reportedly become home to one of the country’s fastest-growing clusters of hyperscale data centers. But even as we look at the more local side of this equation, there are implications for smaller businesses and community organizations too.
Nobody is exempt from digital transformation, and as a result, data centers are increasingly part and parcel to that transformation. However, a data center strategy is only as valuable and productive as the connectivity organizations use to access it. So, what does this mean for businesses?
The Role of the Data Center
While in the past it’s been commonplace for IT infrastructure to be kept mainly on-premises, many organizations have begun opting for data center environments instead. Both on-premises approaches and data center colocation services (where businesses house their equipment within a rented space in a third-party-owned facility) have their merits. However, moving infrastructure out of house offers some key advantages that have helped businesses remain more agile and ready for the future, including greater security, improved ease of management, optimized reliability and more.
In many cases, IT has just become too complex for company tech teams to manage, and instead of risking human error or adding costs to manage increasingly complicated setups, relying on a trusted data center partner is just simpler and allows for a more robust environment. For example, data centers are able to deliver cooling systems and power strategies that provide maximum uptime and efficiency. There is also a far greater level of physical and technical security than many organizations would be able to provide on their own, which keeps mission-critical data safe. Skilled staff are on hand to troubleshoot, and deployments are often monitored around the clock for any issues — not to mention, data centers deliver room to grow without costly on-premises expansions.
However, incorporating data centers does create its own considerations — mainly about how to most effectively link existing business footprints to these facilities to ensure seamless, reliable connectivity.
Solving the Network Conundrum
Excellent data management and mobility is crucial for improving business agility and ensuring up-to-date information is available anywhere and anytime employees need it. This means that the underlying network must be bulletproof in its speed, security and reliability. It may seem like a tall order, but establishing proper data center connectivity doesn’t have to be a dilemma.
Ensuring high-quality data center connectivity means leveraging pure fiber-optic, dedicated Ethernet service to key data centers in your business footprint. Dedicated fiber access means more privacy and less fear of other organizations’ bandwidth usage weighing data down, plus all the speed any business could need.
At Glo Fiber Business, our network also offers a ring-protected architecture and network points of presence with diverse connectivity and power, plus industry-leading SLAs for latency, availability and packet delivery. That means disaster-resistant service that can withstand even the worst-case scenarios. It’s protection that matches what you expect from the data center itself, and that synergy is key.
As a dedicated partner to businesses, we are dedicated to delivering the newest, most state-of-the-art fiber networks, all of which are monitored and managed 24/7/365 by a local NOC team that has been trusted for 125 years to supply quality customer care. We provide decades of customized and individualized experience, which means any organization can get the tailored solution it needs as it adopts a more data center-centric IT strategy.
Now, success across a diversifying IT framework means selecting the right partner for connectivity — between business locations, data centers and beyond. To learn more about our data center connectivity solutions, click here.