How A Post-Sale Helping Hand Pays Digital Dividends
Picture this: You’ve decided to take the plunge on a new network investment, and you’ve signed on with a fiber provider to reinvent your connectivity with a digital transformation tool or expansion plan that promises a host of advantages. Now, the sales process has come to a close, and you’ve been handed the figurative keys to a new cloud-hosted voice service, SD-WAN deployment, dark fiber footprint or other solution.
Now what?
In many scenarios, this is where businesses may find themselves on their own. Many organizations are understandably wary of added complexity or gaps in internal expertise, and the idea of fending for yourself is a huge concern — one that can halt businesses on their path toward innovation no matter how much they need it.
The fact of the matter is that ensuring customer success and satisfaction (for you and your own customers) demands a fiber provider experience that goes beyond the sale to deliver ongoing support and partnership. With digital demands being what they are, no business can wait to enhance their reliability, agility, capacity, speed or other business necessities — but we get it, new connectivity options can be a lot to take on.
Here at Glo Fiber Business, we know a thing or two (a lot of things, really) about the value of hands-on, customized support. So, here’s how we remove any fear and uncertainty around your new network while offering even more business advantages.
Supporting Your Todays and Tomorrows
No one wants to feel dropped like a hot potato — and let’s face it, every new tool, platform and add-on comes with a learning curve. That’s why we don’t just help build custom network plans and solutions — we see them through, beyond the hand-shaking and deal-making.
Whether you need tutorials, user guides or even platform-specific websites to help you onboard your teams in a new solution environment, we’ve got you. Take our cloud-hosted voice platform as an example. We don’t just get your virtual communications systems set up — we train you and your team to make sure you understand it, feel comfortable with it and know how to extract the value. In fact, Glo Fiber Business has a full training and support page to help answer any questions about the inner workings of some of our most rich solutions. We also take it even further, offering turnkey options that reduce strain and resource demands on customer teams for our more complicated services. Consider our SD-WAN offering: We know these advanced options can come with their fair share of complexity, so we offer the ability to manage your software-defined deployment for you. In this way, we always ensure there are no barriers to your success.
Ultimately, what do you do if your team comes up against a question or a challenge after the sale and deployment and they need to speak to a real person? We believe in the power of person-to-person relationships, so we ensure our team is always here to help. But we make it even better: We promise a local team with real experts who are familiar with your unique business requirements and environment. This customized, always-local support comes with dedicated account representatives, around-the-clock access to a 24/7/365 NOC and more. This is the kind of customer care needed to help organizations thrive in the new digital environment, and it’s what we’re always committed to delivering.
Doing Better Business With A Partner You Can Count On
Of course, these offerings do a lot for peace of mind and trust — but what about cold, hard business benefits? Well, when local customer care and post-sale support are a given, it paves the way for better ROI, enhanced ease of management and a whole lot more.
Solving challenges around mobility, accessibility, speed and performance has real impacts on bottom lines and on user experiences — that’s why Glo Fiber Business helps you reliably accomplish your goals without unforeseen challenges. Plus, if a problem comes up down the line, having a local NOC and support team means a shorter time to resolution, saving you time, trouble, personnel resources and money. Think of it as being truly future-proofed.
Let’s not forget that talent is also hard to find, and hiring and retaining specific skill sets in a rapidly changing tech era is expensive. We take the guesswork (and added spend) out of the equation and deliver the right expertise alongside the product, so you’re covered no matter what knowledge is needed — before and after the sale. Additionally, with the right insight always on hand, you’re ready to continue optimizing your network for whatever new technologies, capabilities and value adds may come along in the future. With your network up and running, Glo Fiber Business makes sure you also have a partner that can help you innovate, iterate and continue on your growth trajectory to meet new, aggressive demands.
It’s true that today, customer experiences are king. Lots of fiber providers strive to deliver care that gets you up and running, but ultimately, here’s what makes the difference: With us, the expertise you need will never be an ocean away. We think that getting network support should feel like borrowing a teaspoon of sugar from a neighbor, so we built our business in a way that delivers that personalized result when you need it most.
Our Top Tip? Always Get What You Need
So, if you’re looking to take the next step in your network and connectivity journey, make sure you don’t just have a provider that can technologically enable you to go the distance by selling you a solution. Instead, ensure that you have a true partner that will deliver trusted support no matter how far you go.