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How Fiber Helps Local Government Improve Your Quality of

We talk a lot about how fiber optic networking can improve the longevity, operational efficiency and service quality of organizations — after all, we are the business division of your local network provider. Still, we’d be remiss if we didn’t share just how directly robust networking can positively impact end users (families, friends and individuals) across the community. For that, we have to explore one particular customer group we tend to work closely with: local government. 

There are a host of ways in which local government entities and organizations continually strive to make their constituents’ lives better and increase the quality of the services they’re offering to the community. From public safety to public health, infrastructure to education and cultural services to economic development, local government has a lot going on. Underneath it all though, the success of a thriving community rests on a strong fiber optic safety net — one that delivers the perfect balance of security, reliability and agility.


Fiber as the Foundation of Functionality


Core community services like public health and safety are the cornerstone of keeping families and individuals secure and able to maintain their day-to-day lives. This is where fiber is core to functionality, playing a crucial role in ensuring public transportation, utilities and maintenance services can keep foundational aspects of life up and running.

For emergency communications (like those for police teams, medical services and fire departments), strong network connectivity empowers rapid emergency responses, saving lives and helping communities feel supported. To monitor traffic safety or investigate incidents, local governments often need to reference video surveillance or share data with public safety stakeholders — that means being able to store and share tons of valuable information. On the public works front, monitoring the operations of key community cornerstones like water treatment facilities and being able to intelligently plan urban developments with data-based mapping is what keeps community growth and quality of life on track. Networking is key even for strengthening the collaboration between local governments and the people, allowing for town halls and community meetings to be accessible over live streaming or helping support online surveys to encourage a healthy collaborative relationship.

On the whole, proper network connectivity, speed and security is the bedrock of local government, ensuring those charged with community care can leverage the data they need without compromising any sensitive information. In this way, a fiber optic network is often what keeps a city or town running — even when you can’t see it. For government agencies, this is why ensuring proper network investment is one of the best things they can do for their constituents.


Prioritizing Development, Delivering Local Enrichment


It’s important to note that robust fiber optic services do more than just cover the security and health necessities. In fact, they’re actually a key enabler of the more fun, colorful side of community engagement. The right network plays a large part in delivering opportunities to enrich and expand experiences, ensuring communities can thrive — not just survive.

Take for example public libraries. Often overlooked, these cornerstones of community do a lot more than offer books. They also often deliver a host of digital media and free Wi-Fi access to support lifelong learning, encourage socialization and progress through innovation labs and creative spaces, some offer classes or even support job seekers in their pursuits. They are epicenters of connectivity for those that otherwise may not have it, and that relies on a high-capacity, high-speed network. On top of that, community members have come to appreciate a wide range of cultural benefits from museums, arts organizations and local events — plus time in nature thanks to parks and recreation initiatives. On the enterprise side, business owners and teams benefit from grants, incentives and other local government-sponsored advantages too.

All this to say, local government entities do far more than just keep a city or town running — their job is, in large part, to keep community members happy and improve their quality of life. For that, they also turn to their underlying network foundations. Whether it’s booking picnic shelters through online interfaces or facilitating events with digital registration and information sharing, the use cases for fast fiber internet are boundless, boosting nearly every aspect of community life.

Here at Glo Fiber Business, we see just how important trusted, powerful network services are not only to the local government agencies we serve, but to the families, organizations and individuals they serve too. That’s why we’ve made it our core mission to remain a collaborative, high-touch fiber optic partner, focusing on forming more than just customized network plans, but relationships too. A brighter future depends on doing the digital things right — and there, we definitely know a thing or two, and we’re always eager to put our knowledge to work for the communities we serve.


Check out our City of Heath case study to learn more about how we’ve helped boost local government initiatives.