Valley Engineering Achieves More Reliability, Better Backups with Glo Fiber Business

August 07, 2024 at 4:00 PM EST

As network requirements change, more and more organizations are finding themselves in need of reinvigorated solutions and expanded connectivity to stay on track with customer experience expectations. One such organization is Valley Engineering in Mount Crawford, VA -- a professional firm providing civil, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering, commissioning, construction management, landscape architecture and more. When it came time to reinvest in network foundations and grow digital capabilities, Glo Fiber Business was the company’s partner of choice. To learn more about this collaboration, we recently caught up with Dwayne Williams, the company’s Director of IT.

Valley Engineering has been in business since 1997, and across its tenure, Williams notes that, “Design work and administrative tasks have evolved from paper to digital.” Now, the company relies on on-site and remote file accessibility across its footprint, among other network-dependent requirements. At the core of new business functions like these is a connectivity framework that not only delivers quick, agile, bandwidth-rich options, but also keeps proprietary and sensitive information safe and keeps communications reliable.

With Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) on its side, as well as additional fiber business phone lines, Valley Engineering is poised to improve efficiency, agility and value across its operations.

As Williams concludes, “Glo Fiber [Business] has helped us make sure we have our backups in place…[and] the synchronous speed we have enables remote users to… work into the office without having any issues.” For the full case study, and some tips from Valley Engineering on how to complete a successful network upgrade, don’t miss our new video.

Glo Fiber Business provides advanced data and voice services for businesses, municipalities and educational institutions via a MEF-certified network with over 9,300 route miles of fiber. Services include fiber-optic connectivity, dedicated internet access, VoIP, managed services and network security options that are customized based on customers' needs. As part of Shenandoah Telecommunications Company (Shentel) (Nasdaq: SHEN), Glo Fiber Business delivers cost-effective, quality internet and data solutions to commercial customers of all sizes in VA, PA, MD, WV, KY, OH, and DE.